Men's Ministry

We exist to develop character in men that will play out in our marriages, families, and work life.

Men's Ministry at New Life


Marksmen meets on Wednesdays at 6am for breakfast and small group time.

In 2024 we wrapped up the year with a 4-week study on prayer. We learned what prayer is, the importance of prayer, and how to incorporate it into all aspects of our lives. 

In January, we will continue to focus on our relationship with God by taking a practical dive into the various aspects of prayer - areas such as: praise and adoration, confession, supplication (requests), and intercession. We would love to have you join us as we explore how to better tap into this awesome privilege we have been given to pray to the God of the universe! 

If you would like to connect with us, please email us at

Men's Ministry Breakfast

Saturday, February 8th


Multipurpose Room

Men of all ages are invited! We encourage you to bring your kids or grandkids to this event to enjoy breakfast, hear a speaker, and compete in a bags tournament.

Our speaker will be Ed Tibbets, founder and director of His Hands Outreach in Lincoln, IL. Ed started His Hands Outreach in 2013 to build relationships with the marginalized people in their community. What started with a community garden has grown into a full time outreach. In 2021, Hope Grows Community Center, a 2600 sq ft community center was completed. Ed and his team share the love of Jesus and teach them the scriptures. Come hear how lives are being changed through this ministry. 

While you do not need to sign-up in order to attend, we appreciate getting a sense of numbers to better plan the event.

Sign-Up Below: