Men's Ministry

We exist to develop character in men that will play out in our marriages, families, and work life.

Men's Ministry at New Life

Details for our Fall study coming soon!

Spring Study 2024

Marksmen meets on Wednesdays at 6am for breakfast and small group time.

Our spring session begins on Wednesday, January 17th. During this session, we're studying the life of Joseph in Genesis - -from his "coat of many colors," to his elevation as the Prince of Egypt with emphasis on life application. We will discuss and deal with practical issues often faced by men, such as sibling rivalry, favoritism, jealousy, injustice, sexual temptation, parenting, standing strong for God in a foreign culture, waiting on God when He seems distant, the temptations of material success, and true forgiveness.

It's not all on Wednesday mornings though! We are an active group with occassional community service projects together. Some of these projects are focused on providing for our church family. For example, we provide roses and chocolates on Mother's Day, and doughnuts on Father's Day.

If you would like to connect with us, please email us at or follow us on Facebook.