Women's Ministry

Our purpose is to help you grow in your faith and in your relationship with Jesus.

Women's Bible Study Spring 2025

We have two group options to fit your needs:

Thursday Mornings: 9-11am in the Multipurpose Room at Church

Thursday Evenings: 7-8:30pm via Zoom

Our Spring Session will run from April 3rd-May 1st.

The book cost for this study is $12.

The book can be picked up when you sign-up in person or on the first day of the study.

Spring 2025 Study:

The Faithful: Heroes of the Old Testament

This study looks at Old Testament characters who are examples of unwavering faith lived out. Through five different teachings from five different authors, we'll study Gideon, Nehemiah, Esther, Hosea and Malachi. Through their stories, we see that God’s Word is sure, unchanging and true. His Word stands over our circumstances as the declarative reality to which all of our lives, and everything happening within them, must answer and be conformed. In other words, we are gospeling the Word.

This is a complete study on its own, no need to have been with us for our previous study.

In-person sign ups will take place before or after service beginning March 23rd.

Or, you may sign up below.
