
Our Vision for Missions

"Go and make disciples of all nations." (Matthew 28:19)

"You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (local missions), and in all Judea and Samaria (regional missions), and to the ends of the earth (global missions)." (Acts 1:8)

At New Life, we want all disciples to be on mission and see themselves as missionaries, right where they are. This leads us to support missions beyond ourselves spiritually, physically, and financially. It is our desire to support missions/missionaries locally, regionally, and globally.

Types of Missions We Support

We support missionaries and ministries which demonstrate the love of Jesus and share our statement of faith and beliefs, with preference to those connected directly New Life Church. We aim to go deep and build strong relationships with our missionaries. Internationally, our preference is to support missionaries that are growing a legacy (building churches, training pastors, developing local leaders):

  • Ministries focused on unreached people groups where there is little or no gospel witness.
  • Strategic efforts to equip national Christian leaders to evangelize and make disciples.
  • Strategic efforts that encourage and equip national believers to begin and fulfill church planting movements.
  • Support compassion-oriented faith-based ministries. 

Supported missionaries offer the opportunity for active hands-on involvement by the New Life body. This includes the opportunity to volunteer at the agency and/or visit personally as part of a church supported mission trip, with exception for missions in closed countries where participation with New Life Church would represent a danger to the mission and missionaries.

Our Supported Missionaries and Missions

How Do I Give?

New Life maintains a “Faith Promise” fund which provides New Life an opportunity to support our missionaries beyond the general fund offerings already allocated. This fund is used to supplement our normal giving to missions, to meet specific needs, and to provide funds for our supported missionaries’ “dream list” whenever possible.

To give:

Please click the "Give" icon on the bottom of the page.

Input the amount you would like to give.

Click the "Faith Promise" fund from the dropdown menu.