Nate and Ruth Reutter

PAZ (Japan)

The Reutter's - PAZ (Japan)

The Reutters are missionaries serving with PAZ International, an international church-planting organization, in Japan. They have four children, Rebecca, Anna, Sarah and Joshua who are growing up learning Japanese and English natively. A life in missions is unique and challenging, full of ups and downs. Many of these things they document on their YouTube channel Life in Japan where they show the bits and pieces that make up their life in Japan. God has blessed the work in Japan as PAZ Church has developed a number of ministries to reach society with the love of Jesus, including a coffee shop, a suicide-prevention program called Choose Life, a bilingual Bible school for training leaders and many small groups called family groups that make up the core membership of the church. As people are reached, they are brought into church life, integrated into family groups and trained to be faithful disciples of Jesus. The distance between western and eastern culture can be great, but the relational bridges formed through these efforts are making a big difference in the lives and people of Japan.