Sermon Notes

What are Sermon Notes?

Below is an outline for the sermon preached on Sunday morning. Accessing these notes allows you to take the sermon home with you. Feel free to add your own notes!

At the end of the sermon you can email yourself those notes from that day.

We hope this is a helpful resource for you as you dive deeper into the Scriptures and the messages preached at New Life Church.

The Pursuit of Wisdom: Kingdom Mindset


  • Immanent Frame
  • The Problem
  • To become wise, we have to develop a Kingdom mindset


  • Matthew 4:17
  • Luke 17:20-21
  • Kingdom of God
  • Kingdom Mindset
  • 2 Corinthians 4:16-18


  • Set boundaries
  • Cultivate a life of prayer

Life Group Questions

  • Have someone in your group read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. Have someone else open your group in prayer.  

  • Do you relate to the idea of the imminent frame (only experiencing the world through the here and now)? How do you see it in your life? 

  • How would those things be different if you shifted to a Kingdom mindset? (You can draw from the examples Jake gave to guide you.) 
  • Parenting (Here & now = GPA over faith. Kingdom = faith over GPA)
  • Money (Here & now = amass wealth for every contingency. Kingdom = leverage my resources for kingdom advancement) 
  • Work (Here & now = just a paycheck. Kingdom = about people) 
  • Politics (Here & now = whoever holds office is the most important. Kingdom = the future doesn’t rest on anyone’s shoulders but Jesus).

  • Is there a specific thing God wants you to notice about your answer to Question #3? In other words, what work do you think God wants to do in a specific area of your life to help you shift into a Kingdom mindset? 

  • How can Jesus’ work equip you to make this shift? (Read Matthew 4:17 and Luke 17:20-21 for help.) 

  • What is something specific and concrete you can do to step into a Kingdom mindset this week? Jake spoke about setting boundaries on what we give our attention to, and cultivating a life of prayer. You can use those ideas to get you started. 

  • If you have time, discuss how important a Kingdom mindset is for gaining wisdom. 

  • End your group time in prayer. Pray over everyone’s answer to #6, encouraging each person to begin that shift from an imminent frame to an eternal one. Pray this over our whole church family and for us to be able to see the fruit of what this shift can do.