CR CANCELED 1/21/25 Due to extreme low temps and school closure, we will not have CR this evening.

Sermon Notes

What are Sermon Notes?

Below is an outline for the sermon preached on Sunday morning. Accessing these notes allows you to take the sermon home with you. Feel free to add your own notes!

At the end of the sermon you can email yourself those notes from that day.

We hope this is a helpful resource for you as you dive deeper into the Scriptures and the messages preached at New Life Church.

The Pursuit of Wisdom: Asking for Wisdom


  • We need wisdom; how do we get it?
  • Ask God for wisdom, and He will freely give it
  • 1 Kings 3:1-15

Acknowledge our need

  • v.3,7
  • Solomon acknowledged his need for God and His wisdom
  • Do we acknowledge our need?

Ask with good motives

  • v.9-12
  • Ask with good motives
  • Where's your heart? What motivates you?

God is generous, so trust Him

  • v.12-14
  • James 1:5-6
  • God is generous, so trust Him
  • Jesus is better Solomon
  • Will you trust Him

Process of Asking

  • Before
  • During
  • After


  • Ask God for wisdom, and He will give it freely

Life Group Questions

  • To begin group, have someone read 1 Kings 3:1-15 and James 1:5-6. Have anther open in prayer.

  • Begin group by revisiting the exercise we did last week. (Naming where you need wisdom in your life and asking God to share his wisdom with you.) Have you noticed any changes this week in the situation itself or in your approach to it?

  • In 1 Kings, we read that Solomon acknowledged his need for God’s wisdom, and God granted his request generously. When you consider your situation from Question 2, what’s helping you grow in acknowledging your need for God? If you’re not, what barriers might be preventing that? (Sharing these kind of things can help generate new ideas that may help others grow!) 

  • Pastor Brian also highlighted the importance of asking God for wisdom with good motivation. What’s motivating you to seek wisdom in your situation? In other words, where’s your heart as you seek The Lord? 

  • As we saw with Solomon, God provides generously. We too can trust the promise of his character. In your situation, is it easy or hard to trust that God will provide what you need? What do you want His provision to look like? What other ways could it look like? (Group, help each other brainstorm this if needed.) 

  • At the end of the message, Brian gave three steps to practically ask for wisdom from God. Before, we’re to be in regular times of Scripture reading and prayer. When we ask, we’re to be specific about our need, check our motivation, and trust him. Then, we begin to look for his response. Did you have an area stand out that you could grow in? What’s a next step you can take towards that? 

  • Finish your time in prayer. Again, lift up the specific situations your group members named, and pray for God to be at work in them. Pray that he would not only intervene in the situations but would also grow us in this area of wisdom - that seeking him would become more natural and that we would see fruit from it.